Monday, November 13, 2023

Here We Go Again!

 Hey gang!  We're off again pretty soon, after a 4-year travel hiatus caused by, let's just say "events of 2020", followed by certain minor health issues for both of us.  For those of you joining us late in the process, the blog name is "Nomads i Norden", or "Nomads in the North" in Swedish.   If you haven't seen our other blogs, you are most welcome to have a look at  our first one here:

Subsequent ones have a number before the first 'dot', so , followed by 3, 4, and this one, 5.  Note that the archives are kept in reverse order, so the first posts to come up are the most recent.  You'll have to scroll to find the beginning, and then read the posts from bottom to top.  Annoying, but I can't find a setting that will fix it.

We'll be doing something kind of different this time, insofar as we will be much less Nomadic.  We've rented a house near Östersund, Sweden for 2 1/2 months, starting in late November and going through mid-February.  We plan to settle in and enjoy living as Swedes for an extended period, without the hassle of packing our bags into the car every few days and going somewhere else.  We plan to get in a lot of cross-country skiing and take part in various holiday activities.

The house in Slandrom, Frösön, Jämtland

Östersund is a major center for cross-country skiing, so we're really looking forward to exploring the many different ski trails in the area. Here's a website where you can read more about what's on offer.  Sadly, we'll miss Ski Test Week, which happened already, the 2nd weekend in November.

It's already snowing enough that the closest area, Fursteli Gård, has started's a farm the rest of the year, but the owners are avid skiers themselves and so started making trails for their own use back in the 90s, and have since opened it for others to enjoy their 15 kilometers of tracks.  And only 5 minutes from our house in Slandrom!

Since we'll be staying in one spot most of the time, we may not post as often as for other trips, but we've planned a few excursions, and of course there will be plenty of scenery on our ski days.  We'll try to update at least once or twice a week. 

The photo at the top of the blog shows people skiing on the big lake Storsjön, with Skutan in the background.  At least....I think that's right.  Hard to find the exact name.

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 Due to Icelandair not flying direct to Denver in the winter (which was not obvious when we booked the flights), we're now in for a 24- ...